Tags actually have the same function as category. This can be used when you are searching for a product with specific tags/naming in stock & inventory, and also during performing stock count. For example, if you already set tags, you can filter by specific tags and it will automatically show the product you are looking for. To create tags, you can refer to following steps:

  1. Go to company panel/Branch/CK account

  2. Go to settings

  3. Click tags

  4. Add tags

In the Master column, you can select by stock, product or menu. 

Stock = Tags for  items used in stock count that showing in stock & inventory

Product = Tags for product in company panel

Menu = Tags for menu item

Then in the Tags column, you can type your own tags and save.

After you create tags, you will need to assign it to specific items. To assign tags, you can refer to following steps:

  1. Go to stock & inventory/menus/product

  2. Find item

  3. Click Actions

  4. Click Edit

  5. Assign Tag

  6. Save Changes

Then this tag will be able to be  found in stock count